Wema Bank Renew its Commitment to Empower Women

by Duchess Magazine

Wema Bank Plc has once again renewed its commitment to empowering women by securing a partnership with Shecan Nigeria to organize a conference to help Nigerian women realize their potential and develop their capabilities.

The partnership is basically to help women and young female entrepreneurs attain their personal and business potential through mentoring and skill acquisition programs needed to improve their financial status.

The Head of Marketing Communications and Investors Relations, Wema Bank, Mrs. Funmilayo Falola while speaking at a press conference to announce the partnership said Wema Bank was committed to the transformative ideals of women empowerment as a means of eradicating poverty from the society.

Empowering women is a good manager of resources, a good business manager, and a great contributor to the household economy.

The host of the Shecan Conference, Ezinne Ezeani, thanked the bank for its partnership and commitment to making sure women are empowered.

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